TAke action


You took the pledge - now take action

3 ways you can support what we're all about.
Take 2 minutes to complete the following steps.
You could save the life of 1 or more individuals right now.

1. Connect with us

2. share the Pledge

Post the Pledge and tag us using #overwatchproject. Sample post:

[+] More than 20 veterans and service members die by suicide every day. That’s why I took the @overwatchproj PLEDGE to #JustFKNAsk if a friend or family member is in crisis. Join me @ overwatchproject.org/take-the-pledge-ss

3. Empower OTHERS

Share the Overwatch Project with friends, nonprofits, businesses and veteran meetup groups

One more thing . . .

Your support saves lives! Making a donation (of any amount!) is one of the most effective things you can do to help us prevent veteran suicide.